Using DevTracer with VBScript (Scripting Host / Classical ASP)
The trace monitor can be used with scripting languages as well.
When using scripting, the COM component provided with DevTracer must be used. Here
is an example for a script DevTracer.vbs, which
can be started using the command line with:
cscript DevTracer.vbs
option explicit
dim tracer
' create the COM object
set tracer = createobject("nrsoftware.devtracer")
' set ip-address(localhost) and port no. (12345)
tracer.Init "localhost",12345
' optional : set application name
tracer.ApplicationName = "Devtracer.vbs"
'set indent size
tracer.IndentSize = 4
tracer.WriteLine "hello world"
tracer.WriteLine "hello 1 indent"
tracer.WriteLine "hello 2 indent"
tracer.Writeline "done!"
wscript.sleep 100
Note the usage of wscript.sleep. For performance
reasons (DevTracer should not slow down the application), the trace information
is send using a background thread. The thread is automatically terminated with the application. The call
to wscript.sleep gives the thread time to send all
information not send yet.