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Universal Trace Monitor for Software Developers and Testers

Using DevTracer with C++

When we talk about C++ here, we mean native code generation. With Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET it is also possible to generate managed code with C++. When generating managed code, the way to use DevTracer is the same as when using C# or Visual Basic.NET.

For native code DevTracer provides a COM component for generating the trace information. With Microsoft Visual C++ there are several approaches for using a COM-component. There is the MFC class wizard, which easily creates a wrapper class from a type library, and there is ATL.

Here we will first show an example how to use DevTracer with MFC. Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2005 was used, but the procedure is very similar in Visual C++ Version 6 or other versions of Visual Studio.NET. Then we will show how it is possible to redirect the output of the MFC TRACE statement to DevTracer.

Using DevTracer with MFC

First create a new MFC application using the wizard of Visual Studio. Then add a wrapper class for DevTracer component. To do this, select menu Project → Add Class .... In the dialog displayed select MFC → MFC class from TypeLib and choose the type library NRSoftware_Tracer_COM. The type library contains only one interface (IDevTracer). Select that one. A class will be generated which should be the same as the following listing:

// Machine generated IDispatch wrapper class(es) created with Add Class from Typelib Wizard

#import "c:\\program files\\NRSoftware\\DevTracer\\NRSoftware.Tracer.COM.tlb" no_namespace
// CDevTracer wrapper class

class CDevTracer : public COleDispatchDriver
	CDevTracer(){} // Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor
	CDevTracer(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {}
	CDevTracer(const CDevTracer& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {}

	// Attributes

	// Operations

	// IDevTracer methods
	void Init(LPCTSTR server, long port)
		static BYTE parms[] = VTS_BSTR VTS_I4 ;
		InvokeHelper(0x1, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, server, port);
	void put_ApplicationName(LPCTSTR newValue)
		static BYTE parms[] = VTS_BSTR ;
		InvokeHelper(0x2, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, newValue);
	void Write(LPCTSTR s1)
		static BYTE parms[] = VTS_BSTR ;
		InvokeHelper(0x3, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, s1);
	void WriteLine(LPCTSTR s1)
		static BYTE parms[] = VTS_BSTR ;
		InvokeHelper(0x4, DISPATCH_METHOD, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, s1);
	void Indent()
	void Unindent()
	void put_IndentSize(long newValue)
		static BYTE parms[] = VTS_I4 ;
		InvokeHelper(0x7, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, VT_EMPTY, NULL, parms, newValue);

	// IDevTracer properties

CDevTracer.h Download

This generated class is just a wrapper for the IDispatch interface.

Now we derive a class MyTracer from the generated one. This class is a Singleton, i.e. it ensures that only one instance will be created.

#include "CDevTracer.h"

class MyTracer : public CDevTracer

private :
	static MyTracer* _instance;


public :
	static MyTracer*  Get();

MyTracer.h Download
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyTracer.h"

MyTracer* MyTracer::_instance = NULL;

	/// Set server name (DevTracer Monitor) and port number
MyTracer*  MyTracer::Get()
	if (_instance == NULL)
		_instance = new MyTracer();
	return _instance;
MyTracer.cpp Download

Note the call of method Init(). The IP-address is set to localhost, the port number to 12345. These are the settings DevTracer Monitor is listening to.

Using Class MyTracer Directly

Listing MyTracerDemo.cpp shows how class MyTracer can be used.

#include "MyTracer.h"
MyTracer *dt = MyTracer::Get();
dt->WriteLine(_T("Hello from c++ without indent")); 
dt->WriteLine(_T("Line indented")); 
dt->Write(_T("This line is not indented. "));
dt->WriteLine(_T("Setting indentsize to 10 ..."));
dt->WriteLine(_T("Line indented")); 
dt->WriteLine(_T("This line is not indented. "));
for (int i=1 ; i<=3; i++)
	wchar_t buffer[100];
	swprintf_s(buffer,100,_T("Using MyTracer : This is line %d"),i);
MyTracerDemo.cpp Download

And this image shows the trace information in DevTracer Monitor.

trace generated by C++ example using class MyTracer

Using the MFC TRACE Statement

MFC has some build in trace capabilities. The statement

int x = 16;
TRACE( "The value of x is %d\n", x );

will produce The value of x is 16 in the output window of Visual Studio.

The TRACE statement uses the object afxDump, which is an instance of class CDumpContext. This object can be used to send the contents of all TRACE statements to DevTracer Monitor.

afxDump has a member m_pFile of type CFile. For using DevTracer we have to create a new class derived from CFile.

#pragma once
#include "afx.h"
#include "MyTracer.h"

class MyFileTRACE : public CFile
		_tracer = MyTracer::Get();


		delete _tracer;

	void Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nCount)
		TCHAR *source = (TCHAR*)lpBuf;
		TCHAR *buffer = new TCHAR[2*(nCount+1)];
		TCHAR *temp = buffer;
		while (nCount != 0)
			if (*source == '\n')
			*temp++ = *source++;
		*temp = 0;
		delete buffer;

	MyTracer *_tracer;
MyTRACEFile.h Download

This class is very simple. The most complex part is method Write. Most developers us a \n as line delimiter, but DevTracer expects a \r\n. Therefore the Write method prepends a \r before each \n.

Now we have to tell afxDump about our class.

afxDump.m_pFile = new MyFileTRACE();

A good place to add this line is the Application class in the InitInstance() method. Make sure to add the line after the call to AfxOleInit().

Example Using the TRACE Macro

int x = 1;
int y = 16;
float z = 32.0;

TRACE( "This is a TRACE statement\n" );
TRACE( "The value of x is %d\n", x );
TRACE( "x = %d and y = %d\n", x, y );
TRACE( "x = %d and y = %x and z = %f\n", x, y, z );

will produce this output in DevTracer Monitor.

trace generated by C++ example using TRACE statement

But the same can be done using afxDump with operator <<. Here is the code:

int x = 1;
int y = 16;
float z = 32.0;

afxDump << "This is a TRACE statement\n";
afxDump << "The value of x is " << x << "\n";
afxDump << "x = " << x << " and y = " << y << "\n";
afxDump << "x = " << x << " and y = " << y << " and z = " << z << "\n";